UK Gaap

The stakes:

UK GAAP standards are important in France, due to the significance of the United Kingdom as a prime economic partner to France within the European Union.
A large and increasing number of French groups already have, or are in the process of setting up operations in the UK and vice-versa. In both cases, a thorough understanding of UK GAAP is required.

CBM services:

·         To advise and assist in achieving a successful conversion.
·        Diagnostic: identification, evaluation, and resolution of technical issues on all aspects of Financial Reporting: evaluation, presentation, disclosure.
·        Recommendation of matching tables
·         To train and develop relevant competencies
·        Identifying the firm's needs and designing a plan of action to be implemented.
·        Identifying and designing the tools required to implementing the changes.
·        Prepare and run workshops and training courses.

CBM will assist you through all the steps of your project to convert to (or from) UK GAAP.