US Gaap

The stakes:

US GAAP standards are important on two accounts:
·    On one hand, as the USA represent such a significant player in the international economy, USA standards are widely implemented: by American subsidiaries, operating world-wide, as well as non American firms aiming to access the leading world-wide financial market: Wall Street.
·    On the other hand, the standards are subject to thorough and detailed research and are based on a found conceptual framework, often providing inspiration to other Standard Setting bodies, including the IASB.
For the above two reasons, knowledge of the US GAAP is essential.

CBM services:

·    To mobilise and prepare the company to the challenges resulting from the financial harmonisation changes.
·    To advise and assist in the realisation of the transitional project.
·    Diagnostic: identification, evaluation, and resolution of technical issues on all aspects of Financial Reporting: evaluation, presentation, disclosure.
·    Personalised follow up and coaching of the key players.
·         To train and develop relevant competencies
·    Identifying the firm's needs and designing a plan of action to be implemented.
·    Identifying and designing the tools required to implementing the changes.
·    Prepare and run workshops and training courses.

CBM will guide you through all the steps of your project to implement US GAAP.